A5/10: Collecting Graphic Design

Graphic Design Archives and Collections From All Over the World
Today is a good day to browse through our Slanted Shop, where you can now find the publication A5/10: Collecting Graphic Design…


A Diving Into Flockey Ocscor’s Creative Mindset as a Dancer
50% Documentary and 50% Fiction, the short film THISISNOT.LA about protagonist Flockey Ocscor, leads us through his way of diving into his creative…

Lounge Chairs Aus Linearem Material

HfK Bremen Publication Series
Today we want to introduce you to the new publication series on the fundamentals of design by the HfK Bremen. The first…

The Flatplan

magCulture’s Magazine Making Masterclass
Thinking about launching your own magazine? Now’s your chance! The fourth edition of The Flatplan, magCulture’s magazine-making masterclass, is happening online on…

Be Water My Friend — B.W.M.F.

Creative Methodology & Graphic Journey
Be Water My Friend — B.W.M.F. presents the graphic journey and creative methodology by Rafael Bernardo, a designer and creative activist. The…


Chilean Online and Print Magazine
After more than fourteen years of traveling through various paths of editorial design, Chilean online and print magazine JOIA 61 opens up…

Common Monnem

Community-Creating Space in Mannheim
Today we would like to share with you the “supergraphic” Common Monnem—Together Mannheim by Florian Budke. A large graphic that was installed in…

Witten Lab Magazine #02

Connection and Network
The second issue of the Witten Lab Magazine #02 deals with the topic of networking and connecting. The magazine’s design was made…

Practica Program

Typeface Design Course
Apply until January 23rd, 2022, and join the Practica Program — Typeface Design Course in spring 2022 and dig deeper into typeface…

Surface N° 2

Arctic Volume
Surface N° 2 is the second edition with which the paper brand Arctic Volume presents international artists and their works—this time under…


Exhibition Identity + Editorial Design
Today we want to share Studio Blok’s design for the GTA21 exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto (MOCA). They created the…


Published by Concrete Nature
OUT OF OFFICE is Concrete Nature’s latest risograph printed publication. It features across two volumes the photographic work of international creatives produced between…

The New Era Magazine

A Scandinavian Magazine on Interiors
Today we would like to present you to the Swedish magazine The New Era. The New Era Magazine is a beautifully crafted…


Online Poster Exhibition
Today we would like to share with you the online poster exhibition Vignelli90 dedicated to the designer Massimo Vignelli. Vignelli90 is a…

kiosk magazine

Issue 01: Interspace
kiosk magazine started as a free project by students at the Münster School of Design and was then realized through crowdfunding. The…

100 beste Plakate 21 Deutschland Österreich Schweiz

Annual Poster Competition Starts Now
From today it’s that time again: the competition 100 beste Plakate 21 Deutschland Österreich Schweiz (100 best posters 21 Germany Austria Switzerland)…

Experimental Type—Call for Submissions

Slanted Magazine #40
Get ready, because finally the Experimental Type—Call for Submissions for the upcoming issue of Slanted Magazine has officially started. Slanted #40—Experimental Type deals…


Experimental Search About Visual Language
Look, observe, search, experiment. Sniffing the city and discovering its language. Snifform is a project by Husmee that invites everyone to participate…

frei fühlen

Why “Generation Unable to Commit” Is Actually Not That Unable to Commit
frei fühlen (feeling free) is a book by Cora J. Pereghy about her individual journey to self-acceptance, narcissistic views of humanity, and…

Color Combination Calendar 2022

Celebrating the Joy of Color Combinations!
The year is coming to an end, make now already sure that 2022 will be a colorful year. The Color Combination Calendar…


Three Type Designers to Look Out For
More than 100 artists, photographers, and designers have already had the pleasure of creating their very own version of a 100FOR10 book,…

TOCA ME 2022

Design Conference
On March 5th, 2022, once again TOCA ME 2022 Design Conference will take place in Munich’s Alte Kongresshalle with renown speakers from…

New Grammar of Ornament

Categorization of Ornamental Forms
We are happy to announce that the book New Grammar of Ornament by Thomas Weil is now available at Slanted Shop! Ornaments…

Rundgang at HfG Karlsruhe

Student’s Exhibition
Today we would like to invite you to the Rundgang at the HfG Karlsruhe taking place from December 9th, 2021 to January…
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