INQUELimited Edition Magazine INQUE is a beautiful annual literary magazine dedicated to exceptional new writing. It documents a decade that will usher in a new… 30.11.2021 – designphotographypublications
Design ShiftsTalks, Discourse, Typo-/Graphic Posters The new publication Design Shifts documents international guest lectures and experimental typographic posters from over ten years of Lunchtime Talks, Dinnertime Talks… 29.11.2021 – designeducationpublications
sturbockInspirational Platform for Conscious Living Today we would like to introduce you to sturbock, an inspiring platform for people who want to live a conscious life away… 26.11.2021 – designmiscellaneous
#MeToo Anti-Network #MeToo Anti-Network is a platform that analyzes and looks more closely at the content of tweets under the hashtag #MeToo published on… 25.11.2021 – designmiscellaneous
Bauhaus BooksSeries Extension by Lars Müller Publishers Today is a perfect day to discover exciting publications in our Slanted Shop! Especially the nine new books from Lars Müller Publishers’… 24.11.2021 – designpublications
40th Graphic Design ExhibitionOrganized by the Association of Graphic Designers of Turkey Organized by the Association of Graphic Designers of Turkey (GMK) since 1981, the 40th Graphic Design Exhibition welcomed its visitors on October… 22.11.2021 – design
Kölner Klopfer 2021Exhibition and Award to Slanted Publishers Every year, the Kölner Klopfer (engl.: Cologne Thumper) is awarded to outstanding designers by students of the Köln International School of Design… 19.11.2021 – designeventsmiscellaneous
Internship at Slanted Publishers—apply now!01.03.22–31.08.22 Du liebst Typografie und Editorial Design und möchtest in einem internationalen Verlag arbeiten? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Wir vergeben… 17.11.2021 – designmiscellaneous
Tÿpo St. Gallen 2021Recap For the sixth time, Tÿpo St. Gallen was already organized and invited visitors to the GBS in St. Gallen from November 5th to 7th,… 17.11.2021 – designeventstypography
I’m going slightly maed …Exhibition with Selected Master’s Projects We would like to invite you to join the exhibition I’m going slightly maed …. The Master’s program Editorial Design (MA ED)… 15.11.2021 – designeducationeventspublications
Followers of the FlowA Blueprint to Enhance Your Flow Today we are presenting you the book Followers of the Flow by Jonas Wyssen, which deals with the flow experience as a… 12.11.2021 – designeducationpublications
Support “Be Water My Friend” on KickstarterA Book by Rafael Bernardo Inspired by an interview with Bruce Lee, where he refers to an aspect of Taoist philosophy, that water can teach us “the… 11.11.2021 – designpublications
Junge Grafik N°1It’s a Wrap The board members of the Junge Grafik association invested more than two years of preparation for this moment. “It is great to… 08.11.2021 – designeducationmiscellaneous
Typodarium 2022A 365 Day Type Calendar The Typodarium 2022—a classic among type calendars brings type inspiration day by day. 248 type designers from 35 countries all over the… 05.11.2021 – designpublicationstypography
Medienhaus Lectures 2021Performance. Performance? Performance! Among other things, design is always performance. The Medienhaus Lectures 2021 take a look at performance in design beyond the moment of… 03.11.2021 – designeducationevents
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2021Review The Frankfurter Buchmesse 2021 is the world’s most important book fair, as well as an outstanding social and cultural event. This year… 29.10.2021 – designeventsmiscellaneouspublications
Film Festival Cologne—Die Macht der Bilder For anyone for whom the digital Film Festival Cologne is not enough, the matching print magazine Film Festival Cologne—Die Macht der Bilder… 28.10.2021 – designpublications
Slanted Magazine #38—COLOURSAutumn/Winter 2021/22 Joan Miro said: “I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music.” Ultimately, Slanted Magazine #38—Colours… 26.10.2021 – designillustrationphotographypublicationstypography
The Kinship MethodExperiment, Design Therapy, and Alternative Design Production If you are interested in processes, artistic work, design, and its place within production this book is a perfect fit! Through experiments,… 25.10.2021 – designpublications
Kiss the MessengerCommunication for Creatives We are happy to announce that Kiss the Messenger — Communication for Creatives is now available at Slanted Shop! The publication is a… 20.10.2021 – designpublications
magCulture Live 2021The Annual Magazine Conference Returns—In Real Life! After a year on hiatus, (physically at least — magCulture Live 2020 was held over Zoom à la lockdown) magCulture Live is… 19.10.2021 – designeventspublications
The Lost Writings of James Douglas MorrisonThree-Part Book Series Broken into three volumes, The Lost Writings of James Douglas Morrison is a collection of poems, notebook entries, and recitals written by… 18.10.2021 – designeducationpublications
FORMAT #27 WutStudent Magazine at HfG Gmünd FORMAT is the design magazine of the students of the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd. It is written, designed, and published by the students… 15.10.2021 – designeducationpublications
Druck und Design KonferenzRecap Last Thursday, after a 2-year break, the Druck und Design Konferenz (Print and Design Conference) took place at the Literaturhaus in Munich.… 14.10.2021 – designevents