Slanted in Prague: Parallel Practice

When we took a look at the contemporary design scene in Prague in August 2018 we visited Michal Landa and Jan Brož…

Graphic Days Torino 2019

As part of the Graphic Days Torino, Turin (Italy) is going to be the European capital of visual communication for four days…


Agencies, start-ups and studios invite
On 19 July 2019 the design tour Into the Wild will take place in Offenbach for the 4th time. Leading agencies, exciting…

Werkschau 2019 – Peter Behrens School of Arts

Hochschule Düsseldorf – Design Department
At the end of summer semester 2019, the department of design at the Hochschule Düsseldorf, Peter Behrens School of Arts, will open…


by Studio Matthias Last
B-LA CONNECT is a platform for the promotion of cooperation and networking of the creative communities of the two partner cities Berlin…


by Laic: Type Foundry
Kommune is a display typeface designed by Verena Gerlach and distributed by Laic: Type Foundry. It is inspired by the vernacular shop- and…

Annual Exhibition 2019

Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel
Traditionally at the end of the summer semester, the Muthesius Kunsthochschule opens its doors to its studios and ateliers from July 10th,…

parcours – Sommersemester 2019

Abschlussausstellung der MSD
Between restlessness and anticipation, short-sightedness and transparency, duty and passion—parcours is more than just an exhibition. Rich in contrast and versatile, sometimes…

Slanted in Prague: Studio Marvil

When we took a look at the contemporary design scene in Prague in August 2018, we were allowed to visit Olga Benešová…

Semester Exhibition FH Aachen

The Design Department invites
Boxgraben 100 opens its doors: On Thursday, July 11th, 2019, the students of FH Aachen invite all potential applicants and design enthusiasts…

Interview with Masha Manapov

Illustration from Tel Aviv
In this series we introduce you to the most exciting Israeli creative minds in graphic design, animation and illustration. Last time we…

Master & Master

Minimalist furniture from Prague
During our research for the Slanted Magazine—Prague we became aware of the Prague-based furniture manufactory Master & Master. The company was founded…

Slanted in Prag: 20YY Designers

When we took a look at the contemporary design scene in Prague in August 2018, we visited Robert Jansa and Petr Bosák…

Get Closer

The game where you win each other
Closer is a game, yet it’s anything but competition. The only thing you can win is time well spent together, new friends…

No Plastic Water

An awareness campaign
Everyone is talking about the plastification of the ocean, but no matter how many images, awareness campaigns are out there, people keeps…

The Open End 2019 – Recap

Last Saturday The Open End Creativity Festival took place in the Rotondes in Luxembourg, a beautiful location used for many cultural events. The festival,…
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