Bauhaus 4.0 meets design theory:

In the field of tension between design theory, theory and practice - to change the role of design in times of digitization
Are digitization and globalization, as today’s major economic and social issues, perhaps comparable to the Industrial Revolution of the early 20th century?…


Your newest Slanted publication is SPEED and provides an insightful and personal look into the subcultures scenes of of transportation in its…

Saturday Type Fever 2019 – Recap

Type-marathon at HfG Karlsruhe
On 11th and 12th of January 2019, NoFoundry hosted the type-marathon “Saturday Type Fever”: for 30 hours, around 80 students and typographers…


Photography in Portrait
Auslöser is an indie print magazine that focuses on personal photographer stories. Each issue features four photographers, one company behind the scenes,…

Slanted in Dubai: Twothirds Design Bureau

In Spring 2018 the Slanted editors took a close-up look at the contemporary design scene of Dubai. A city—when described by many…

TOTAL ARMAGEDDON—A Slanted Reader on Design

10 more Days on Kickstarter
Many of you have been giving a great support to our new book TOTAL ARMAGEDDON on Kickstarter. The campaign has been supported…

Was bedeutet für mich Designkritik?

One Question. 20 Answers.
The publication Was bedeutet für mich Designkritik? (What does design criticism mean to me?) Is dedicated to a subject that is currently…

depatriarchise design *!Labs!*

The design discipline is deeply interwoven with the patriarchal structure of our society. The initiative depatriarchise design deals with analysing this complicity…

Slanted in Dubai: Abjad Design

In Spring 2018 the Slanted editors took a close-up look at the contemporary design scene of Dubai. A city—when described by many…

15th Pictoplasma Berlin 2019: INTER-FACES

International Conference and Festival of Contemporary Character Design and Art
In May 2019, the 15th Berliner Pictoplasma Festival presents an all new selection of trailblazing and trendsetting character design and art—and provides…

Available again: Dutch Type

The “bible” of Dutch typography now as a reprint
Published in March, 2004, Dutch Type was sold out about four years later. Only in the end of 2018 the reprint was…

Stiftung Buchkunst: Call for Entries 2019

From now on, beautiful books can be submitted to Stiftung Buchkunst until March 31st for the competition for the »Most Beautiful German Books«…

EDCH – The Idea Salon

Editorial Design Conference EDCH 2019
Pure inspiration for designers of all kinds—Europe’s largest Editorial Design Conference EDCH will be a Salon of Ideas in 2019. In the…

Parcours MSD

Vernissage & Exhibition
Sometimes clear and straightforward, sometimes intuitive and vibrant: design thinking and creative processes always require the ability to view and explore challenges…

Slanted in Dubai: Fikra Design Studio

In Spring 2018 the Slanted editors took a close-up look at the contemporary design scene of Dubai. A city—when described by many…

STGT Outstanding

Ein Stadtportrait der kreativen Szene Stuttgarts
STGT Outstanding shows five boroughs of Stuttgart. Subcultural institutions, like bars with a creative concept or off-spaces like project rooms, were interviewed…

Total Armageddon—A Slanted Reader on Design

Support the Kickstarter Campaign!
Help us to publish this amazing summary of the past 14 years of independent publishing and preorder your copy for only €…

Black Weekend

40% discount on Slanted back issues
Happy new year to all of you: 40% discount only this weekend (01/18–01/20/2019 midnight UTC+1) using the discount code HAPPYNEWYEAR at Slanted…

Slanted in Dubai: Moloobhoy and Brown

In Spring 2018 the Slanted editors took a close-up look at the contemporary design scene of Dubai. A city—when described by many…


design conference 2019
On March 9th 2019 once again TOCA ME design conference will take place in Munich’s Alte Kongresshalle with renown speakers from all…

Thonik: Why We Design

Everybody is a designer! But why?
In this book, Thonik, the Amsterdam-based studio led by lauded designers Nikki Gonnissen and Thomas Widdershoven, researches eleven personal reasons why they…

Adobe Creative Residency 2019

Get off to a good start as a Creative Resident!
Working on your dream project for one year without any financial worries? To be supported in the realization of this project? Speaking…
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