The Correlations Forum is an interdisciplinary symposium that unites artists, designers, experts, and curious minds to explore the evolving roles of Artificial…
The Verein für die Schwarze Kunst (Association for the Black Arts), established in 2013, is dedicated to preserving traditional letterpress printing and…
A Global Study of Handwriting Education by TypeTogether
In early 2022, TypeTogether launched Primarium, a groundbreaking project exploring how Latin script-based handwriting is taught to primary school students across five…
Insights into the Artistic Design Research Project +dimensions
The anthology Intertwining Practices: Lehren/Lernen/Forschen (Teaching/Learning/Researching) provides an exploration of the artistic-creative project +dimensions at Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin. This publication…
Expert Insights and Techniques for Bookmaking and Publishing
Discover the essential guide to bookmaking and publishing with How to Book in Berlin. This comprehensive resource provides valuable insights into research…
Travelling Lettering Exhibition Featuring 150 Artworks by Students From 34 Universities
A newly launched traveling lettering exhibition called FiftyFifty collects and showcases 150 artworks by college students from dozens of countries. Premiered in…