Typotable No. 1

Current positions on font design and typography
Starting with Typotable №1, Berlin based type designer Ulrike Rausch will talk about her love for handmade craft and passion for sophisticated…

Indiecon 2019

Independent Publishing Festival
One hall for publishing diversity: come the first weekend in September, over 70 magazines and small publishers from every corner of the…

EDCH—The Idea Salon—Review

Editorial Design Conference EDCH 2019
For the first time the Editorial Design Conference EDCH took place at the Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen (HFF) in Munich from…


On April 13th, 2019 the 14th see-Conference takes place in the cultural centre “Schlachthof” in Wiesbaden. With over 1,000 visitors, the event…

TOCA ME 2019

Recap by Florian Greßhake
The light flickers slightly, the babble of voices ends, a video starts on the screen, the loudspeakers roar. On 9 March, the…

Tag der Druckkunst

Events on the occasion of the first anniversary
On Friday, March 15th, 2019, we will celebrate the “Tag der Druckkunst” (Day of the Art of Printing) for the first time.…

16. Tag der Schrift

On April 6th, 2019, the 16th “Tag der Schrift” will take place in Zurich. The event will be opened by Jonas Schudel of…

Forward Festival Wien

The Forward Festival celebrates a small anniversary from 4 to 6 April at Gartenbaukino and MAK. For five years now, the festival…

Berlin Letters Festival

From the 16th–18th of May 2019, more than 200 creative minds will meet, whose heart beats for lettering, sign painting, calligraphy and…


A Homage to 100 years Bauhaus
The Bauhaus—one of the most important modern schools—is celebrating its 100th anniversary. Stilwerk celebrates the design icon with the traveling exhibition “Re:Form—A…

Mut zur Wut 2019

HEAR YE, HEAR YE! Mut zur Wut will celebrate its 10th edition this year! Yay! From February 15th, up until the 15th…

Bauhaus 4.0 meets design theory:

In the field of tension between design theory, theory and practice - to change the role of design in times of digitization
Are digitization and globalization, as today’s major economic and social issues, perhaps comparable to the Industrial Revolution of the early 20th century?…

depatriarchise design *!Labs!*

The design discipline is deeply interwoven with the patriarchal structure of our society. The initiative depatriarchise design deals with analysing this complicity…

15th Pictoplasma Berlin 2019: INTER-FACES

International Conference and Festival of Contemporary Character Design and Art
In May 2019, the 15th Berliner Pictoplasma Festival presents an all new selection of trailblazing and trendsetting character design and art—and provides…

Rundgang an der HMKW Köln

Semesterausstellung Wintersemester 2018/19
Student works from a variety of graphic design disciplines will be exhibited again this winter term at HMKW Cologne: On Friday and…

Stiftung Buchkunst: Call for Entries 2019

From now on, beautiful books can be submitted to Stiftung Buchkunst until March 31st for the competition for the »Most Beautiful German Books«…

EDCH – The Idea Salon

Editorial Design Conference EDCH 2019
Pure inspiration for designers of all kinds—Europe’s largest Editorial Design Conference EDCH will be a Salon of Ideas in 2019. In the…

Rutu Modan Interview

Comic-Festival in Angoulême
When the Angoulême International Comics Festival opens on January 24th, 200,000 visitors will crowd the streets of this small town in the…

Parcours MSD

Vernissage & Exhibition
Sometimes clear and straightforward, sometimes intuitive and vibrant: design thinking and creative processes always require the ability to view and explore challenges…

Total Armageddon—A Slanted Reader on Design

Support the Kickstarter Campaign!
Help us to publish this amazing summary of the past 14 years of independent publishing and preorder your copy for only €…

81st Berlin Typostammtisch

Mastering Type 2018 shows all theses, which were created last year in international master programs in the field of typeface design, in…


design conference 2019
On March 9th 2019 once again TOCA ME design conference will take place in Munich’s Alte Kongresshalle with renown speakers from all…

Saturday Type Fever!

Saturday Type Fever! NoFoundry invites you to a Type-Marathon on the 11th and 12th of January. For 30 hours, (design) students and…
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