Chrome & Glass

Chrome letters, enclosed in a glass box, exploring light and reflection.


R.E.A.D. is a letter building block set. Within the grid of 3 x 3 all 26 letters can be formed by rotating…


Connect invites to playfully construct letters. The 3 x 3 system allows the forming of all 26 letters by rotating the discs…


Glyphs is a series of high-end letterparfums, based on the historical origin of the Latin alphabet: A is for Ox, B is…


This approach transforms conventional typography into abstract yet readable forms, providing a new visual language that challenges the perception and interpretation of…


'Abcus' is a wordplay on the Abacus, a hand-operated calculating tool which is used from ancient times. This Abcus is not a…

soft metal

The artwork reveals an intriguing blend of flowing fabric and hard metal. The challenge was to make the metal appear so soft…

Out of thin air

Andreas Trenker typeset poems in the South Tyrolean dialect, exploring fleeting moments and ephemeral feelings. To visualize the emotions, he created letters…

Lass mal kuscheln

Experimental type used for train and bus seats


GHOST_TYPO is an experimental 3D font that was created in Blender.

Decostetica Display

Decostetica display is the summary of a deconstructivist approach to typography and graphic layout. The font is made up of elements that…

Serex / Serif Escalation

I wondered what would happen to the appearence of the font, when the serifs would stretch longer and longer. I had to…


TOOTH [novella] Tooth was written in 2020. The main character is named Vova, and in this story, he's a scoundrel. He has…


Being is an exploration of the physical textures and material in the digital world. To create the type, extroo gathered all their…
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