Posters for Galerie Block C

The riso print poster series for Galerie Block C is used as an ongoing typographic experiment platform. Each poster investigates a design…

ConcreType: concrete letters

ConcreType: concrete letters ConcreType is an original paperweight, bookend or, simply, a decorative object in concrete which, with its original materiality, enriches…


Birth poster

im Bau (in the burrow)

Theatre poster for a play based on Kafka's unfinished short story "The Burrow"


Poster for a concert by the Swiss indie pop band Frederik at Neubad in Lucerne

New Jack(son) Ho(tel)

I am fascinated by neon letter signs that partially burn out and mean something entirely different from its original intent. In this…


The Japanese term “onomatopoeia” are words that represent sounds. One of the categories of onomatopoeia is “Giongo” which are sounds made by…


A study/doodle of real-time lettering using Touchdesigner.


“Attendance” is a typographic project for a club where performances take place in complete darkness. This is meant to allow visitors to…

Black Widow

“Black Widow” is an experimental Hebrew typeface for modern illuminated initials. In order to make it decorative I created my own brief…

The drop

The impact of a drop reveals the shape of the Panton Chair.


this is a ascii renderer with chubby typo

Randomness is not the answer

Using a machine to make things shouldn’t mean that these things have to look mechanical. Design software should not default to mathematical…


We coded a little tool in Webassembly that combines Gaussian blur with Sobel edge enhancement. These are some random permutations of one…


Gray Scott Model of a Reaction-Diffusion System applied on type

Heute keine Disco

For the theatre piece „Heute keine Disco“ (No disco today) a personalized logotype was requested. The theatrical performance, directed by Sabrina Fischer…

Poster inspired by the album The Dream

The poster is dedicated to the album The Dream by Alt-J. The translucent, invisible main typography of the poster refers to imperceptible…

Poster based on the music album Catacomb

The poster is dedicated to the album "Catacomba" of the Moscow group "Red Banner Division named after my grandmother." The main typography…

Romance Of The Future exhibition identity

Romance Of The Future is a reflection exhibition on the topic of romantic relationships in the future. Is love between humans and…

Body Experimental Type

This project is the outcome of Haocheng Zhang's ongoing research, understanding the body as an ‘important and fundamental dimension of self-identifying recognition,’…


Spaghetti, it's a font inspired by Italian western movies. What surprise about the old westerns is the lack of special effects. Everything…

Isometric Letters

My goal in this project was to break down all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet to the point they can no…


Using everyday ephemera objects like a bottle cap and paper clip to form the basis of its simple typographic form, Offset is…

Trisquare Regular

Trisquare is an Experimental Display Typeface, which is inspired by the strokes of the Fraktur alphabet but developed through the composition of…
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