The Alphabetum

The Alphabetum series combines digital, analog, and experimental strategies, which work with improvisational modes of visual inquiry. I use the camera as…


I publish an occasional zine called NOWHERE that collects examples of work from my practice. This latest issue is a hand-made tribute…


Petter is an open and experimental tool to generate simple and complex graphics made out of and based on patterns. The fully…

Libre Graphics Meeting 2013

LAFKON received an invitation from Medialab-Prado to work on a campaign for the Libre Graphics Meeting 2013. Focus was to create a…


A funny expression of uncertainty in decision making while traveling with friends.


Fun Typography Experiment Project


Font-remix is a web-based experiment that proposes the process of configuring letter forms at runtime and generating a customized font file for…


Avogadro ist eine experimentelle variable Schriftart, inspiriert von der Struktur organischer Moleküle, die mich während meines Biologie-Bachelors fasziniert haben. Sie erzeugt eine…


General artwork and generative postersystem for VA300 - con/temporary exhibition at Höhmannhaus, Augsburg. Some looping code and simulated gravity generates and outputs…


My TYPOEXPERIMENT contains two projects, the first is the Nausea project, where I combine letters from the author's alphabet with an already…

Devanagari Kathputhli

A self-directed project directly inspired by Indian string puppets (kathputali | कठपुतली) Merging the storytelling of the string puppets with some experimental…

Body Type

The Glyphs I designed are hard to read and they like to dance. I want to criticize the importance of the visual…


There is not much to say, its just numbers written in photoshop with a square brush. It looks ridiculous. It is probably…

We should..

Save the world, clear the air, clean the seas. The type responds to the climate crisis and uses irregular/imperfect circles to suggest…


Is the application of a rainbow gradient on the letters A, B and C


TEXTURE REIFENSPUR Is a collection of wheel track textures. Each graphic is the repetition of a German word related to speed, shaping…


PURPLE GLASS SEQUENCE Is an extract of an Excel-made font, only using the letters A and B. Both signs explore the visual…


ABC TOMATOE is the experimental examination between a tomatoe and the first letters of the alphabet.


This typeface was inspired by the shape of cacti, the light reflections you might see if they had a glossy surface, and…


For this typeface, I started with Old Caslon. The first step: print. My printer produces the first printing errors. Then I transferred…


Linear was born from the desire to express the planes of perspective in three dimensions. The Linear font refers to the basic…

Klaronaut Typeface

The Klaronaut font is an abstract font and it combines simple shapes. The poster shows the design grid with the finished font…


Metallic text effect with the font cera.

Composite 1021

Best viewed as an ongoing series of typographic exercises, each "Composite" is an abstract reconfiguration of the graphic elements that make up…
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