Free Poster

published by Matter Of
Free Poster is a non-profit cooperative project which connects artistic productions within public and pri­vate spaces through analog media. It is published…

Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design: Rundgang 2020

Annual Student Exhibition
Once again, the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design (ABK Stuttgart) is hosting the annual “Rundgang”—a diverse exhibition of the students’…

Today is Tomorrow’s Yesterday by Ruben Sanchez

Slanted × Kickstarter
Nine selected book projects from the first Slanted × Kickstarter Mentoring & Publishing Program are live and ready to be funded. We…

Questions to Europe by Paula Riek

Slanted × Kickstarter
Nine selected book projects from the first Slanted × Kickstarter Mentoring & Publishing Program are now live and ready to be funded.…


Call for Entries
For almost 20 years FREISTIL—The Bible Of Illustration—has been published for the German-speaking world by Publisher Hermann Schmidt. It is a standard…


Hand-drawn animation charity initiative
People@Home is a joint effort to form an impromptu community of stay-at-homes in times of global pandemics. Initiators of the project are…

KLEBSTOFF Stickermags

#10, #11 and #12
KLEBSTOFF Stickermags #10 KLEBSTOFF will never stop collecting their favorite sticker artists all together in one magazine ... like this one. Since…

The Quarantine Coloring Book

by Multiplo
The graphic design Studio Multiplo presents The Quarantine Coloring Book to print at home, a perfect device to kill time with your…

Novelties from Little Gestalten

Four Publications for Young Readers
Isn’t this the perfect time to take a stroll through the Slanted Shop? Among other publications you will find various new publications…

Multitalent Gouache

Upgrade for design and illustration
The German-Russian illustrator and artist Aljoscha Blau presents in his new book all the need to knows about the underdog Multitalent Gouache.…

Charting Futures

A weekly video mixing live financial data & human curation to provide a clear picture on trading Futures
The collaboration between Bloomberg and the data visualization Italian studio continues, aiming to redefine the future of news media production. With…

ILLU20—Illustrators Festival

Call for Entries
From April 30th to May 3rd, 2020 the ILLU20—Illustrators Festival will take place for the fifth time in Cologne. In the art…

The Infographic Energy Transition Coloring Book

A Berlin-Born Infographic Book Drives Climate and Energy Transition Discussions
The Infographic Energy Transition Coloring Book (IETCB) is a unique visual communication and education tool that uses infographics to engage people of all ages in the conversation…

100 Best Posters 19

Germany, Austria, Switzerland
At December 13th the competition 100 Best Posters 19 (100 beste Plakate 19) starts by unlocking the registration. The deadline (online registration…


For three years now, the Black Matter publishing house and the Risography Studio Herr & Frau Rio have been publishing colourful calendars…

Interview with Shimrit Elkanati

Illustrators from Tel Aviv
In this series with illustrators from Israel we have introduced you to the most exciting Israeli creatives in the fields of graphic…

Interview with Noa Snir

A graphic artist from Tel Aviv
In this series we introduce you to the most exciting Israeli creative minds in graphic design, animation and illustration. Last time we…

Hans Georg Lenzen. Mit leichter Hand

Hans Georg Lenzen was not only a highly talented draughtsman, painter, author and translator, but also a passionate university teacher. He was…

Interview with Ofra Amit

Illustrators from Tel Aviv
In this series we introduce you to the most exciting Israeli creative minds in graphic design, animation and illustration. Last time we…

Interview with Masha Manapov

Illustration from Tel Aviv
In this series we introduce you to the most exciting Israeli creative minds in graphic design, animation and illustration. Last time we…

Get Closer

The game where you win each other
Closer is a game, yet it’s anything but competition. The only thing you can win is time well spent together, new friends…