fortytwomagazine #6—beliefs

The Interview Magazine for Those Who Wonder
It’s impossible not to believe. We all have a view of the world that is reflected in our beliefs. “I believe that”…

Murmurs of Earth—The Voyager Interstellar Record

Masterthesis by Maria Knaub
The master project Murmurs of Earth—The Voyager Interstellar Record (orig.: Signale der Erde — Unser Planet stellt sich vor) by Maria Knaub…


Bachelorthesis by Luise Klett
Damaskuserlebnis is the title of the book created by Luise Klett as the centerpiece of her bachelor’s thesis at Bauhaus University Weimar.…

The Final form

Bittersweet Good-Bye
The final form printed edition is now out. This is a special edition of form magazine (issues 300+301). It’s both a celebration…

Alle Tage

Design for People by Anna Berkenbusch
Design changes the world. The book Alle Tage showcases works of visual communication (posters, exhibitions, magazines, books, as well as work materials and…


Final Theses and Projects of the HfG Offenbach of 2021 and 2022
The catalog DIPLOME showcases the diplomas from HfG Offenbach for the years 2021 and 2022 in the fields of art and design.…

Indiecon 2023

Independent Publishing Festival
Indiecon 2023, a three-day publishing festival held in Hamburg’s Oberhafen, celebrates its 10th anniversary by bringing together independent magazine, book, art print,…

Do the Stars Need a Reason to Shine?

Book by Markus Weisbeck
Do the Stars Need a Reason to Shine? is a thought-provoking book by designer Markus Weisbeck, with text by Daniel Martin Feige,…

History of Press Graphics 1819–1921

The Golden Era of the Illustrated Press
Step back in time to a captivating era where art and storytelling converged flawlessly in the pages of newspapers and magazines. History…

Blurred Territories – Kunst / Gestaltung / Forschung

Insights Into the Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
To what extent is research conntected to art and design? Aren’t art and design always a form of research as well? In…

Slanted Magazine #40—Experimental Type 2.0

Reprint Out Now
Due to the swift sell-out of Slanted Magazine #40—Experimental Type upon its autumn 2023 release and the high demand from numerous individuals…

100 Best Poster 22 Yearbook

D / A / CH
The 100 Best Poster 22 Yearbook was published last month to coincide with the exhibition. Every year, the association 100 Beste Plakate…

Schönste Deutsche Bücher 2023

Stiftung Buchkunst Honors the 25 Best-Designed Books
The 25 Schönste Deutsche Bücher 2023 (25 Most Beautiful German Books of 2023) have been announced. The Stiftung Buchkunst (Book Art Foundation)…

How to Design Fonts

Blaze Type Guide
Unleash your inner font designer with How to Design Fonts, the ultimate guide for crafting exceptional typefaces. In the ever-evolving world of…

White Fungus

Taiwan-Based Independent Arts Magazine
Taiwan-based independent arts magazine White Fungus returns to print for the first time since the pandemic with the release of its 17th…

Book Launch & Exhibition: The Neubad Plakat

In celebration of Neubad Lucerne’s 10th anniversary, The Neubad Plakat, a comprehensive book featuring every poster created for Neubad over the past…

The Neubad Plakat

A Contemporary Design Phenomenon
We are glad to introduce to you our publication The Neubad Plakat—A Contemporary Design Phenomenon, which is out today! In the Swiss province,…

Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh

by Michael Herman
We are happy to introduce Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh—a compelling book that offers a profound glimpse into modern Vietnam and provides…

Some Magazine #16—Action

A Magazine for Visual Inventors
We are thrilled to introduce the Some Magazine #16—Action. Since 2010, changing editorial teams of young design students research, write, layout, and…

Slanted Magazine #41—Amsterdam

Spring / Summer 2023
The Slanted team went to Amsterdam to check out the design scene and fell for the charm of the city’s century-old “bruine…

Nullnummer #3

Magazine of the Department of Design at the University of Applied Sciences Dortmund 2022/23
Nullnummer #3 is a supplement to the university-wide newspaper fh-presse at the Department of Design at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The…

Unveiling Session: Slanted Magazine #41—Amsterdam

At Athenaeum Nieuwscentrum
Join us for the launch of Slanted magazine’s 41st issue at Athenaeum Nieuwscentrum in Amsterdam on April 28th, 2023, from 7–9 p.m.…

Das gewöhnliche Design

Facsimile of the Original Edition From 1979
Das gewöhnliche Design (The ordinary Design) is a hidden classic of German design history, something the vinyl era would have called a…


Magazine About Design and Visual Culture in the Gobal South
Safar is an annual bilingual design and visual culture magazine published in Beirut, Lebanon. The name Safar is Arabic for “journey” and…