Best Book Design from all over the World 2023

Winners Released!
The competition Best Book Design from all over the World 2023 is an attempt to compare the technical and aesthetic level as well…

Slanted Magazine #40—Experimental Type 2.0

Call for Submission
Get ready, there is a second Call for Submissions: Submit your work for our Slanted Magazine #40—Experimental Type 2.0. Since Slanted Magazine #40—Experimental…

Slanted Magazine #42 Books

Call for Submission
Now, the Slanted Magazine #42 Books — Call for Submission is finally online, submit your work and be part of the upcoming…

Bronislaw Zelek—The Story of a Polish Designer

In the Enchanted Land of Letters
Bronislaw Zelek (1935–2018) was a Polish poster designer, typeface designer, and painter. At the very beginning of his career, he worked as…


By Lars Harmsen
COLLISION by Lars Harmsen is the collision of intuition and the human experience. A visual journey of photographs, design, and ideas. With…


A Wild Photography, Illustration, and Collages Journey
MONTHS 2 adds to the first edition, which was published in 2022. It again consists of a range of his personal analog…

ZAGRIZ by Ludovica De Santis

Counter-Narratives and the True Spirit of the Balkans
This interview delves into Ludovica De Santis’ creative process through the making of her photobook and project ZAGRIZ, a trip to the…

Making of Slanted Magazine #41—Amsterdam

Discover the Colorful Dutch Capital With Us
Slanted Magazine #41—Amsterdam is in production and will be published end of April! Color and form play an important role in Amsterdam’s design…

Slanted Spring Sale

First Come, First Served
Join the Slanted Spring Sale and grab your Easter presents now: Selected Slanted magazines & special editions as long as stock lasts…

Der Greif

Issue 8
Der Greif is an award-winning organization for contemporary photography. It is print-publication, online-publication, curatorial team, and joint project all at once. The…

Women’s Empowerment

Live the Change, Change Lives!
Women’s Empowerment—Live the change, change lives (WE—LCCL) is an international campaign to empower women through creative works. In particular, the campaign advocates…


Issue D
The editorial of the 4th issue of Footnotes—the periodical bulletin of applied research in type design—reads: “Dear reader, you’re holding D, the…

Dongola Architecture Series

Notes on Formation: Ammar Khammash
The Dongola Architecture Series (DAS) is a biannual book series that offers unique insight into Arab culture through the lens of its…

Stiftung Buchkunst: Call for Entries 2023

The Best German Book Design and Sponsorship Prize for Young Book Design
The Stiftung Buchkunst: Call for Entries 2023 has started! The Stiftung Buchkunst (German Foundation for Book Design) invites you to participate in…

Posters Can Help

We are very pleased to announce the release of a heartfelt project, the importance of which was amplified by the start of…


Fetisch Zukunft
On the occasion of the exhibition Fetishizing the Future. Utopias of the Third Dimension at the Zeppelin Museum Friedrichshafen (December 16th, 2022…

Riccardo Miotto—Tents

An Artist Book
Riccardo Miotto (b. 1982 in Treviso; lives and works between Treviso and Venice) studied architecture at the Iuav University of Venice. He…


Making Things Better
The incessant trend to throw away rather than to repair, demolish rather than refurbish has been a topic of discussion and criticism…

The Arizona Type Specimen

By Dinamo Editions
The Arizona Type Specimen is a five color, split-page, spiral-bound showcase of ABC Arizona. Designed by Elias Hanzer, ABC Arizona is the…

STUCK Magazine

Issue 001—subworld episodes
In today’s ever digitized and often deceptive media landscape, there is an increasing need for a counterbalance: for an independent, high-gloss, low-circulation…

Cyberfeminism Index

Mindy Seu
In Cyberfeminism Index, hackers, scholars, artists, and activists of all regions, races, and sexual orientations consider how humans might reconstruct themselves by…

What Should I Say—About Seoul

A Glimpse Into South Korean Society
How could visiting Seoul be described in a way that allows someone else to feel like they are right there? What to…

item Magazin #4

item Magazin #4 (Independent platform for the Transfer of Educational impulses via a student Magazine) is the student magazine of the Department…
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