Visual Intelligence

Monography on Félix Beltrán
Visual Intelligence by Félix Beltrán shows hundreds of his logos, posters, and book covers, but also provides a deep insight into the…

Slanted Magazine #39—Stockholm

Spring / Summer 2022
If you just think of IKEA, Greta, Abba, Sylvia, and Björn Borg or red wooden horses when you think of Sweden, you’re…

Synchron Magazine Issue One

By Dyer Press
Synchron Magazine Issue One was released in February 2022 by Dyer Press and is now available at the Slanted Shop! Mysticism, magic,…

Re: Re:

Letters From Porto to İzmir and From İzmir to Porto
Re: Re: is a project in which the two graphic designers Yunus Ak and Umut Altıntaş send each other letters using their…

Onomatopee 215

Graphic Design in the Post-Digital Age
Onomatopee 215 is the result of the research project Post Digital Graphic Design (2019–2021), directed by Demian Conrad at HEAD–Genève, and supported…

Miss Read 2022

Berlin Art Book Fair
The Miss Read 2022 will take place again in Berlin from April 29th to May 1st at Haus der Kulturen der Welt. We…


Our Future–Their Reality
Wasserstories: Our Future—Their Reality is an interactive web documentary, developed by Caroline Breidenbach as a master-project at the Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, which critically…

Hi Schatz!

By Martin Eberle
Take a look at this: Berlin thoroughly photographed from 1997 to 2009 through the eyes of Martin Eberle in his newly published…

Posters Can Help

Call For Submissions
Recent events in Ukraine have led the team at Slanted to ask ourselves, as designers, what is our work really good for?…


By Cihan Tamti
We are really excited about today’s release: HOMEBOUND—New Wave by Cihan Tamti is out now!! HOMEBOUND—New Wave shows the collaborative works of…

Dog Ears

By Public-Library
Grammy-nominated independent design studio Public-Library is proud to announce the release of the publication, titled Dog Ears, on the occasion of the…

Branding and the Visual Response

How a Brand Turns Into Visual Identity
Today we would like to present you the book Branding and the Visual Response by Peter Sher. This book gives practical advice…

The 2022 Type Trends Lookbook

The New Normal
Today we would like to present you the new publication The 2022 Type Trends Lookbook by Zetafonts in which our founder Julia…

item Magazin #3

item (Independent platform for the Transfer of Educational impulses via a student Magazine) is the student magazine of the Department of Design…

It’s a book

Hybrid Independent Publishing Fair
It’s a book is the annual gathering of producers in the field of independent publishing in Leipzig and sees itself as a…

Support “American Bauhaus” on Kickstarter

A Book by Erik Schmitt
We are very proud to announce the launch of a new crowdfounding campaign today: Support American Bauhaus on Kickstarter to pre finance…

Call for Entries Yearbook of Type 2022/23

Become Part of the Upcoming Edition
Here we go again: After the success of the first five editions, the Call for Entries for the Yearbook of Type 2022/23…

The End of My Beginning

By Jamal Cyrus
Today we'd like to introduce you to The End of My Beginning, the first full-length monograph of artist Jamal Cyrus. As the…


Guide to Gender-Sensitive Language and Typography
The German publishing house form just published Typohacks by Hannah Witte, the first guide for gender-sensitive typography in the German language. As…

Siebdruck Zu Hause & Frische Luft

by Verlag Hermann Schmidt
Siebdruck Zu Hause & Frische Luft by Pippa Parragh and Sebastian Jung have been published at Verlag Hermann Schmidt. Both books are…

Mono Moment

Monospace Type Design
Monospaced fonts are fascinating! Mono Moment is aimed at type designers typographers and designers, but also at people who are dealing with…

Olivetti Identities

Spaces and Languages 1933–1983
Olivetti Identities by Davide Fornari and Davide Turrini presents the results of an interdisciplinary research project by ECAL and the University of…

Off the Grid

Histories of Belgian Graphic Design
Today we would like to present you the book Off the Grid. This book has been edited by Sara De Bondt and…
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