
Multi-Genre Type Family
Relaate is a multi-genre type family by Alex Slobzheninov. It’s a bundle of fonts which share certain features while each of them…

Supernett revised

Supernett by FaceType is now available in three weights, two widths, Uprights and Italics. The handmade family is tailored for large font sizes…

I’d write OR The Setting Sun of the Alphabet

Does writing has a future?
The question “Does writing has a future?” is the starting point for contemporary archaeological and experimental research on the subject of writing…

Typeface of the Month: Lawabo

by Schriftlabor
Detailed technical implementation and extensive expansion in combination with playful curves make our Typeface of the Month in December a very special…

Othmar Motter

Meister der Extrabold
Tektura, Ombra, Corpus and Femina. While these fonts are world famous and widely popular, the man behind them, Othmar Motter (1927–2010), is…

Tÿpo St.Gallen—Balance

For the fifth time already the Tÿpo St.Gallen took place on the weekend of the 8th to the 10th of November, this…

Typeface of the Month: Blacker Pro

by Zetafonts
Blacker Pro is the result of a journey into the history of the “Evil Serifs,” whose origins date back to the 15th…


Injurial was designed by Sandrine Nugue during the editorial design of a novel by Boll, published by Tripode, in 2014. This humorous…

Yearbook of Type 2019/20

Out now!
At a time when it has never been easier to design, publish, and distribute typefaces, standing out as a designer is now…

Bridge Head and Text

Bridge Text and Head, a rocking duo for sparkling stories in a crisp tone and a must-have for expressive editorial typography! Bridge…

Typodarium 2020

Brexit and Trump’s Wall—it seems that borders around the world are currently being closed rather than permeable. It’s a good thing that…

Eastern Design Conference 2019

A place where global design meets local context
Eastern Design Conference focuses on design and its context—on people and places, their connections, origin stories, and history. With this in mind,…

1.768 birthday letters

Freefonts in Bauhaus style by designkrefeld
In the Typography class at the Department of Design of the Hochschule Niederrhein, 68 typefaces were created on the anniversary of 100…

On the Road to Variable

The Flexible Future of Typography
On the 16th of September 2016, Adobe, Google, Apple, and Microsoft announced a new update to the OpenType specification that would allow…

Typeface of the Month: Halvar

by TypeMates
The Halvar family stands firm, serious, and self-confident on paper and impresses with its unobtrusive clarity. The total of 162 styles offer…

Femme Type

A book celebrating women in the type industry
Femme Type  is an all-female publication conceptualised by ex UAL Chelsea graphic design communication student Amber Weaver aiming to celebrate over 40…

Tÿpo St. Gallen 2019

Designers in search of “balance” in everyday professional life
It is not easy to keep your balance in the turbulence of everyday work life. The fifth new edition of Tÿpo St.…

A Little Daily Dose

Discovering Chinese characters through short stories
Learning a new language at one’s leisure is never easy, A Little Daily Dose is designed to spark interest in the Chinese…

Typotable №3

Generate meets Corporate
Here we go again with Typotable №3. Under the motto Generate meets Corporate the TypeMates Nils Thomsen, Lisa Fischbach and Jakob Runge…

Arlonne Sans Pro

Von Sacha Rein
Arlonne Sans Pro is a humanistic sans-serif font family, with neoclassical influences and eight weights. The font was designed between 2015 and…


in der Winkeldruckerey Speyer
The Speyerer Winkeldruckerey is dedicated to experimental typography and artistic hand pressure. Graphic works are created at the printer weekends held once…

Typeface of the Month: Monterchi

by Zetafonts
Monterchi is an ode to the typefaces of the early Renaissance and their detailed ornaments, ligatures, and constructed geometric beauty. With Monterchi,…
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