A Visual Story: Breaking Barriers in the Workplace This story features a young woman with a physical disability who overcame societal rejection…
A flyer design informing about siamese fighting fish using overprint style and effects
Typographic design showcasing the anatomy of the word "Typography" in Arabic and English
An informative flyer comparing between two arabic typefaces
A serene still life featuring a brass lantern with a lit candle casting a warm glow on a cloth backdrop. The composition…
A design project based on the story of Shagar Aldorr, I excuted it in two creative directions, showcasing the arabian identity in…
Kairo Catering is a branding project based in Kuwait, inspired by the vibrant essence of Cairo streets. The design combines a soft,…
-Nike poster AD about a new shoe release -Jane eyre poster experimentation using japanese and arabic lettering
Experimental type used for train and bus seats
A creative tribute to the indomitable spirit of Nina Simone, the design is characterized by the interweaving of letters in a carefully…
"This collection is inspired from the waste that the fashion industry creates. Shreds, second-hand clothes are upcycled and given a new preciosity.…
In einem patriarchalem System gibt es keine Gerechtigkeit für Betroffene von patriarchaler Gewalt. In a patriarchal system there is no justice for…
A series that explores the variety of ways type can be utilized in the world of fashion.
Françoise Hoffmann creates original hybrid « nuno » textiles, combining felt –hand-made with a mix of carded wool fibres– and silk. After…
The collection draws inspiration from slogans sprayed on walls during the 1968 Paris student revolts, critiquing societal structures. A word mark featuring…
Steve Bowden and Peter Evonuk created a 2,500-pound interactive sculpture for their residency at the DesignInquiry Futurespective. The installation, which became an…
“NOW!” is the textile counterpart to the booklet “Do not give me a moment!”, a split-publication with artist/writer Fette Sans. “NOW!” condenses…
[...] attempt of self-actualization becomes an act of self-representation, showing off the right argot, style and habitus. Employability, Fuckability, Sociability, Flexibility, Compatibility,…
True Youth Bootlegs re-examines an emblematic youth subculture in word and image, through the lens of graphic design. Published in a twin…
Upcoming Events
Anfachen Award IX
25.04.2024 –
Inner Structures – Outer Rhythms
22.02.2025 –
Der Palast des typografischen Mauerwerks
Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
09.04.2025 –
SEEN Around the World Symposium
LUX Mainz / online
01.05.2025 –
21st Pictoplasma Conference
silent green Kulturquartier, Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin